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Student Resources

Application Details

  1. Current Solicitation

  2. Application Components

    • Academic transcripts
    • Letters of recommendation
    • Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement
    • Graduate Research Plan Statement

    Visit our workshops page for videos and PDF resources on these application components.

Eligibility Requirements

Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen, US national, or a permanent US resident by the application deadline. Refer to the GRFP solicitation.

  1. Degree requirement: Individuals are typically eligible to apply...
    • as an undergraduate senior or post-baccalaureate, before beginning graduate training;
    • in the final year of a joint baccalaureate-master's (BS/MS) program;
    • having completed a joint baccalaureate-master's (BS/MS) program and have not completed any further graduate study outside the joint program unless the graduate coursework was required to establish or maintain credentials in a profession such as teaching; 
    • after having an interruption in graduate study of at least two consecutive years prior to November 1 of the year the application is submitted and have completed no additional graduate study as of August 1 of the year the application is submitted.
    • Effective as of the 2017 competition, NSF will limit graduate students to only one application to the GRFP, submitted either in the first year or in the second year of graduate school.
  2. Broad Fields of study (disciplines): Life Sciences, Geosciences; Computer and Information Science and Engineering;  Engineering; Materials Research; Psychology, Social Sciences, STEM Education and Learning; Chemistry; Mathematical Sciences; Physics and Astronomy.. Interdisciplinary research is also possible. Not eligible: professional practice degrees View sub-disciplines in the current GRFP solicitation.

*Always refer to the current NSF-GRFP Solicitation for official eligibility information.



Helpful Resources


Last Updated: 6/19/24