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TBP Important Dates

Below are the primary deadlines for the department coordinators. For a PDF version visit Comprehensive Chart for AY25. Additionally, many dates are based on deadlines and milestones as set by the Office of the Registrar.

Deadline Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
TBP portal open for student entry July 8, 2024 November 25, 2024 March 31, 2025
Estimated first TBP conditional posting August 12, 2024 January 2, 2025 May 5, 2025
Suggested ePAF processing deadline August 5, 2024 December 19, 2024 May 9, 2025
First day of classes August 19, 2024 January 6, 2025 May 12, 2025
Tuition due by 4:45pm (also add/drop deadline) August 30, 2024 January 17, 2025 May 21, 2025
Campus census - portal closes at 3:00pm September 9, 2024 January 27, 2025 June 2, 2025
Approximate GSHIP Payroll Charge September 30, 2024 February 15th, 2025 N/A
STB Initial Run September 10, 2024 January 28, 2025 June 3, 2025
Signed signature page due by email by 5:00pm September 20, 2024 February 7, 2025 June 13, 2025
Mid-semester TBP report review October 14, 2024 March 3, 2025 June 20, 2025
Last conditional TBP processing of semester January 8, 2025 May 23, 2025 August 25, 2025
TBP final calculation (actual support) January 13, 2025 May 27 2025 August 29, 2025
Overrides/corrections due by 5:00pm January 22, 2025 June 6, 2025 September 8, 2025

Portal Open

The tuition benefit portal opens in CIS for student entry approximately six weeks prior to the first day of classes of each semester. Coordinators are encouraged to enter students as early as possible, which ensures continuation of insurance benefits, but should only be entered when assistantship contracts are signed and fellowship offers accepted.

Estimated First TBP Conditional Posting

The first day that conditional tuition benefits are applied to student’s tuition bills; tuition benefit disbursement process is then run each business day thru the end of the semester. Coordinators are encouraged to follow up with any student who has not signed their TBP agreement or enrolled appropriately, to encourage their students to review their bills to ensure that benefits are correct, and for coordinators to elevate any necessary issues to the Office of Fellowships & Benefits (

Suggested ePAF Processing Deadline

Assistantship (TA and RA) ePAFs should be completed by HR by this date to ensure job records are complete and earnings begin on the first day of the semester payroll period (Fall – August 16, Spring – January 1, and Summer – May 16).

First Day of Classes

First day of classes for the semester.

Tuition Due

Tuition bill payment is due by 4:45pm, whether paid by the student or department. Should students have an outstanding balance after this deadline, they may incur a late fee; if benefits have not posted due to students not signing or enrolling appropriately, they may risk classes being dropped. This is also the deadline for adding/dropping classes; any classes removed from active enrollment after this day will be considered a withdraw, which TBP will not cover and the student will have the responsibility to pay.

Campus Census

This is the day enrollment registration is conducted; the tuition benefit portal will close at 3:00pm. As the portal closes on this day, it is also the last day to print the signature page. Any requests for late adds to tuition benefit after this day should be submitted by the department through a petition.

Signature Page Deadline

Ensuring that all TBP entries are correct, the signature page should be signed by the department chair/school director and submitted (in PDF form) by email to by 5:00pm.

Approximate GSHIP Payroll Charge

As part of being on GSHIP, the department is required to subsidize the premium via the student’s employment (assistantship). That charge is added automatically via HR and will show as a one-time charge in a pay period after census (either the first, or if delays occur, the second).

STB Initial Run

The first day that Sponsored Tuition Benefit chartfields are charged. This process checks nightly for new information after this date to ensure accuracy until the final TB calculation.

Mid-Semester Report Review

Review TBP report to ensure that students are on-track to maintain their benefits, and attend to any error messages. A mid-semester review of the report is expected of coordinators; however, coordinators are encouraged to review reports monthly.

Last Conditional TBP Processing

After the final paycheck of the semester, a conditional processing will be ran one last time in order for the final paycheck to populate in actual support prior to the final calculation. This will allow coordinators the opportunity to address concerns and request overrides before the final calculation and a potential reduction or loss of tuition benefits.

Final TBP Calculation

Final calculation for tuition benefit, where all benefits are finalized and based on actual support (as opposed to conditional). Should a student not meet the minimum support or other eligibility requirements, their tuition benefit may be reduced or removed, resulting in a possible tuition bill and registration/transcript hold. Coordinators are encouraged to run their reports at this time to identify any need for overrides/corrections.

Overrides/Corrections Due

Any final adjustments to student’s tuition benefit record for the semester are due to by 5:00pm with any relevant documentation. There is no guarantee that an override after this date can be processed, and such requests will require a letter from their department chair or director of graduate studies.


Last Updated: 6/12/24