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Target Dates by Semester

Semester of Graduation Preliminary Review of format
(before defense)
Submissions (after defense) DEADLINE Upload to ProQuest
(after format approval)
Fall 2023 Friday, November 3  Friday, November 17 Friday, December 8
Spring 2024 Friday, March 15 Friday, March 29 Friday, April 19
Summer 2024 Friday, June 21 Friday, July 5 Friday, July 26

Submission Reminders

  • STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Submit defended manuscripts well before the target date so any issues may be resolved by the end of the semester.
    • Manuscripts submitted after the target date are processed based on capacity of the Thesis Office and are not guaranteed to be processed for graduation that semester.
  • Track signatures from your committee and department chair to ensure a timely review of your manuscript.
    • You will receive confirmation emails as signatures are submitted via OnBase.
    • Follow up on any missing signatures directly with your committee.
    • The thesis editors are unable to process manuscripts before a majority of approval signatures have been received.
  • Expect an initial review of your manuscript within 2 business days after a majority of approval signatures have been received through OnBase.

Submit your Manuscript

Factors that can delay manuscript clearance

  • Unavailability of the student to participate in the ongoing editing process
  • Major formatting errors (see the Handbook: incorrect margins, inconsistent spacing, incorrect figure/table placement, etc.)
  • Major problems with grammar, spelling, etc. (run your manuscript through Grammarly)
  • Manuscripts that have not been approved by the supervisory committee and department chair

Manuscripts submitted on the target date but that have any of these problems may require substantial rework by the student which may preclude graduation in the desired semester. Please take these factors into account when planning defense and graduation dates.

Expediting Your Manuscript

Using a minimal formatting template can help you create your manuscript and get it approved faster.

More info

Last Updated: 5/3/24